Monday, March 19, 2012

Privatization and College Drinking

While writing a paper on privatization in higher education I noticed there is clearly a relationship between privatization and drinking underage.  While it might not be apparent, there definitely is some connection between the two.  As I was learning about privatization, I noticed how schools are focusing more on the business aspects of college rather than the educational ones. That being said, schools are paying more attention to their profits and economic status instead of ensuring a high graduating rate and being able to provide a solid curriculum for the students.  If more and more schools are focusing on monetary value then they care more about money than they do the individual. 

It is said those who choose to drink underage during college have a higher drop out rate, are more prone to failing classes,  turn in assignments late, and generally do poorly in school.  But if the schools themselves care mostly about money, then when these students fail the schools don't really do much to help.  They get paid regardless of a student's success.  An A or an F still costs the same, and even when students fail, they generally have to retake the course or add another year onto their college career.  So in turn the university is making money and turns the other shoulder at underage drinking.  Yes, schools do have programs that try to teach awareness and prevention but in the long run, they don't really care what students choose to do.  If you are paying for school, you can do whatever you want.  They are not responsible for your actions. 

Im not saying privatization causes student drinking because privatization is very recent.  Underage drinking has been around much longer.  However, I believe privatization does nothing to help this crisis.  In my mind, it makes schools less interested in an individual's problems and causes them to focus more on income for the institution

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